Getting Started

Coin Name Coin Symbol Coin Algorithm Stratum Host Stratum Ports & Diff
qubitcoin Q2C qubit Port: 8001,  Diff: 0.01
Port: 8010,  Diff: 0.1
Port: 8100,  Diff: 1

Setting up the miner

If you are using ATI GPU:

Download SGminer 5.1.1

Unzip archive and open the sgminer folder.

Edit Qubit-START.bat - put your wallet address. Command line should look something like this:

      sgminer.exe -k qubitcoin -o stratum+tcp:// -u Gau5EpNPdqQZuPbhtgmjV7785YY4WN64gx -p x --intensity 18

Start Qubit-START.bat

If you are using Nvidia GPU:

Download CCminer 1.5.52

Unzip archive and open the ccminer folder.

Edit Qubit-START.bat - put your wallet address. Command line should look something like this:

      ccminer.exe -q -a qubit -o stratum+tcp:// -u Gau5EpNPdqQZuPbhtgmjV7785YY4WN64gx -p x d=0.002

Start Qubit-START.bat